Saturday, June 25, 2016

Restless Legs Syndrome In Pregnancy: What is It And How To Cure It

Restless Legs Syndrome In Pregnancy: What is It And How To Cure It
Restless legs syndrome in pregnancy: what can you do to ease the discomfort in the foot?

Restless Legs Syndrome: a second pregnancy is proving to be quite tiring. Not only for the fact that my first child was not even two years old and was clearly in need of attention, but also because I have a number of other diseases "sweet" waiting is not tested. No big deal out of charity, but of little things that lined made me feel constantly tired. Now we can add is actually a syndrome called "restless legs" that night did not make my bed (in addition to insomnia naturally affects pregnant women when they are pregnant to prepare them for the fact that for the time 'will have a sleep disturbed by various breastfeeding and things). What is this syndrome? Here is some useful information to learn more.

Restless Legs Syndrome: Because They Are Revealed

RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome) is a manifestation of neurological origin which affects approximately 9% of the global population. Pregnancy disorders may present as we said in the last period of pregnancy with these symptoms:

  • tingling running up and down her legs
  • involuntary leg jerking
  • numb
  • pain or burning

Usually it happens at night or when you go to bed, so sleep quality is affected. It affects about 20% of pregnant women and unfortunately there is no cure except ... a baby! RLS naturally disappear a few days after birth: the only solution is to have 'patience.

Restless Legs Syndrome: a Solution That Allows (But Care is Not Definitive)

There is a solution that can be taken? For me, for example, a gynecologist had been prescribed both magnesium and potassium to be taken twice a day (actually I do not see great results), however, there are other precautions, such as:

walk a bit before going to bed, quiet walk around the block
do some 'stretching before bed
warming the feet before bed: a hot water bottle will be fine
do not take drugs
check the level of iron in the blood: for what they may have the disorder
employs more iron in your diet: for example, eating cereals, red meat and eggs to keep the balance iron level
Avoid cigarette smoke: you may be more likely to suffer from restless legs

Restless Legs Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms And Natural Treatment

Restless Legs Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms And Natural Treatment
Restless legs syndrome is a disorder that presents itself as an uncontrollable urge to move their legs, especially when they are at rest, at night. This is a very uncomfortable feeling, accompanied by cold, itching, tingling and pain.

Usually, it is a disorder that affects the feet, but it is said that it can not also affect the arms. Who gets it, because of the inconvenience of the strong, seeing the quality of sleep disturbed.

Symptom of Restless Legs Syndrome

  • There is no specific test that can detect the presence of interference, however, there are a number of diagnostic criteria can be observed, common to all people who suffer from Restless Legs Syndrome:
  • urge to move the legs, to get relief from numbness and tingling;
  • improvement in symptoms following the movement of the foot;
  • worsening of symptoms at rest situations;
  • follow the circadian rhythm symptoms: worse at night and can be attenuated during the day.

Cause of Restless Legs Syndrome

The causes that lead to this disorder can be the most different. One in all, the lack of critical components for our body, such as iron.

In general, it is believed that cause of the disease is related to the change of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Most recently, he was also suspected of involvement Another hormone, thyrotropin. So restless legs syndrome will occur because of an imbalance between these hormones.

In any case, it seems that there are two different forms of the disease: primary, idiopathic, ie without cause and worsen with aging; secondary, due to conditions or certain diseases, such as pregnancy, kidney failure, diabetes, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.

During pregnancy, restless leg syndrome can affect the percentage of women between 25 and 40%.

Even taking certain medications can affect the incidence of this syndrome. In particular, it seems that the disease is associated with the delivery of active ingredients:

  • anticompulsivi;
  • antidepressants;
  • antihistamines;
  • beta blockers;
  • sedative.

Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

Against the restless legs syndrome is no really effective therapy. It is known, however, that finding the cause is an indispensable factor in reducing interference and improving the quality of life.

Many patients with anemia, for example, get help from iron supplementation in their diet. Because iron deficiency seems to be one of the triggers disorders.

Pregnant women, however, have to take large doses of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

In any case, it may be useful to use some natural remedies, at least to alleviate the symptoms.

  • Massage, stretching, meditation and yoga can play a vital contribution to muscle relaxation.
  • In this case, it can also aid relaxation herbal tea, to be taken before bedtime, such as herbal tea, lemon balm, passionflower and chamomile, which is the nature of the sedative.
  • In addition, it is important for health care for sleep, and sleep in a comfortable, cool and make sure to follow a specific time to sleep.
  • Definitely avoid beverages containing caffeine, heavy meals rich in fat, smoking and alcohol.
  • Before going to sleep, a relaxing bath, foot massage practice and relaxation of muscles: deep breathing for a few minutes, stretch the leg muscles for a few seconds. Then, relax. Do the same thing, in the development from the bottom up, with all the muscles of the body.

Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome Break

Restless Legs Syndrome Medicinal
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder in which the patient complains of the urgent need to move the legs, because the sensory symptoms is difficult to determine. Restless legs syndrome is part of a list of sleep disorders: symptoms, in fact, aggravated by rest, while easing their movement.

The published material is intended to allow rapid access to tips, advice and general medicine doctors and textbooks are usually dispensed for the treatment of restless legs syndrome; Such indications should not in any way replace the advice of your physician or other health specialists who care for patients.

What Should Be Done

  • Apparently, movement of the foot seems the only medicine that is effective for reducing the symptoms of restless legs syndrome
  • Practicing a foot massage to relaxing the muscles involved
  • People with restless legs syndrome often complain of lack of sleep and quiet. In this case, it is recommended sleep hygiene: Sleep in a cool and comfortable environment, go to bed at a regular time, do not eat heavy food, do not go to bed immediately after eating
  • The bathroom has a hot water anyway can relieve foot pain
  • Take a course in meditation and yoga, helpful treatment is to achieve better control of their bodies, either to relax
  • Sport regularly practice and stretching exercises
  • Alternating hot and cold compresses on foot: heat and cold can relieve the disturbing perception of limb
  • Generous doses of supplementation folic acid and vitamin B12 during pregnancy helps reduce the pain at the level of future mothers suffer arts restless leg syndrome (as well as prevent spina bifida in the fetus).
  • Looking for a medical assistance from early symptoms, to refer to all the sensations felt

What NOT to do

  • Consuming a lot of foods or drinks that contain caffeine. It seems that reduction in consumption of caffeine to help reduce the symptoms of restless legs syndrome, at least for some patients. Foods rich in caffeine-called nerve: coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and cola drinks (mate, kola nut and guarana) make caffeine in varying amounts
  • Drinking alcohol: Alcohol aggravates the symptoms of restless legs syndrome
  • Smoking: Smoking can be a heavy burden on the medical condition of patients suffering from RLS syndrome.
  • Use AED / anxiolytics / opioids for a long time: such behavior can even aggravates the symptoms of restless legs syndrome

What to Eat

  • It is recommended to follow a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and free of excess (especially during dinner)
  • There are no specific foods that can improve the health condition of patients suffering from restless leg syndrome
  • Drinking foods that provide iron: even a lack of iron in the diet can affect patients for restless legs syndrome. In this case, we recommend that iron-rich foods (although, in general, require iron supplementation through supplements)

What NOT to Eat

  • Given the poor quality of sleep of those affected by restless legs syndrome, it is recommended to avoid heavy food intake, high fat and complex carbohydrates before bed. Too big dinner might impede falling asleep.
  • Even granting that the caffeine-rich foods can interfere with falling asleep: for this purpose, it is recommended to reduce consumption, especially before going to bed

Care and Natural Remedies

  • Natural medicine can relieve some symptoms, but do not interact directly on the cause. Considering that reflects the restless leg syndrome sleep disorders, patients can enjoy a relaxing herbal tea or infusion, to encourage convenience before going to bed.
  1. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) → properties hypnotic, anticonvulsant, sedative of the central nervous system
  2. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) → properties antispasmodic, sedative
  3. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L.) → properties anxiolytic, sedative
  4. Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) → mild anxiolytic and sedative properties
  5. St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) → natural antidepressant: many patients with restless legs syndrome complain of symptoms similar to depression. In this case, St John's Wort can carry discrete antidepressant properties. Pay particular attention to the use of concomitant medicine wort and St. John: natural remedies can interact with synthetic active ingredients, changing their absorption. Consult with your doctor.
  6. Mucuna (velvet bean) → natural source of L-dopa, besides being very useful in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, can be very useful in cases of restless legs syndrome

Pharmacological treatment

  • When restless legs syndrome depends on a serious lack of iron in food necessary therapeutic iron (iron supplement): iron sulphate (. For example Ferrograd), iron dextran (. Ex Iron ATI 100 solution for injection), carbonyl iron (eg. ICAR) is the most appropriate medicine.
  • Pregnant women with RLS should take a heavier doses of of folic acid and vitamin B12
  • To relieve uncontrollable movements of the legs, patients who suffer from restless leg syndrome can take:
  1. anxiolytics / sedatives
  2. ON medicine
  3. opioid medicine
  4. AED
  • Remember, however, that not all patients with restless legs syndrome require drug therapy. Always consult your doctor before taking medicine.


It seems that practice could somehow muscle relaxation techniques to prevent the occurrence of restless legs syndrome in susceptible individuals.

Medical treatment

  • Treatment depends on the underlying cause. For example, when the restless legs syndrome depends on the presence of varicose veins, patients generally undergo sclerotherapy or other treatment required for the completion of the basic problem.
  • Kidney transplantation is a medical treatment that is remarkable for patients who suffer from restless leg syndrome in the context of severe kidney disease.